Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Miss Chloe the Birthday Girl!

It is hard to believe that our little Miss Chloe Nan is two years old today! I remember the phone call that Grandpa Mike received from Mama Nat saying she was in labor and then I get a phone call from Grandpa Mike saying I'm booked on a flight to leave in just a couple hours and I'm on Grandma duty!! Grandma duty is the best...second to mom duty...I just love those two jobs!

When I arrived in Burlington, Mama Nat informed me that labor had stopped. Well, we couldn't have that, so Grandma Mel, Mama Nat and Miss Niah headed to the mall and we walked, shopped and walked some more. We didn't know what our new baby was going to be, so we bought light green and yellow jammies. It worked! The labor started up again and we went home and when Mama Nat started to bend over and couldn't stand up any more and couldn't catch her breath, Papa Bryan took charge and off they went to the Hospital. It was a wonderful phone call to receive letting me know all was well and that we had a beautiful baby girl join the family. When Miss Niah woke up I informed her that she had a baby sister and she just couldn't wait to go see her. Later that day I took Niah to the store and she insisted she buy something for her new sister.
From the very beginning you could tell what a sweet, tender spirited little girl Miss Chloe would be. Chloe is Greek and it means "blooming". This is Chloe exactly because she is an explorer, curious, ever learning new things, and happy and beautiful like a new blooming flower.

We love our Miss Chloe Nan and wish her a very HAPPY 'turning two' day!!

Grandma Mel, Grandpa Mike, Uncle Colin, Auntie Kaitie and Auntie Kell


Nat said...

Ya, it's hard to believe that she is already two! I love that you wrote the story down, what a great memory. Thanks for being such an awesome grandma to my girls. They really do love you!

Tamara Jacobs said...

cute Chloe! I can't believe it's already been two years. you are the best grandma! love you.